Culture is the set of beliefs, values, rules and practices that all members in a society share. This can be witnessed formally (like when people stand together in line) or unspoken but understood by all.
Sociology views culture as a social glue that links organizations together and maintains group stability. It helps convey an identity and encourages commitment beyond one’s individual self-interest.
Culture is derived from the Greek words for “knowledge” and “symbol,” representing that complex system of abilities and habits which man has acquired as part of society. This includes knowledge, faith, art, morality, law, custom, etc.
Language is passed down from generation to generation.
Some aspects of culture are tangible and visible to others, such as symbols, heroes or rituals. On the other hand, intangible aspects like values or tendencies towards a certain state of affairs (good-evil, right-wrong or natural-unnatural) remain invisible.
Cultural history is an investigation of the beliefs, attitudes and ideas that were prevalent during a certain time period. Additionally, it involves research into objects and experiences which reflect this culture.
Culture is an inextricable aspect of human existence and it evolves constantly. Some parts of it progress faster than others.